Kendalwood Montessori – Full of Life After the School Day Ends

Kendalwood Montessori & Elementary School offers a rich after school environment for our students. Extracurricular and enrichment programs are a key ingredient in a Kendalwood education, and many opportunities exist for students to develop interests and connect with friends during lunch or after school.

Our after school clubs are open to all students at Kendalwood at no additional cost! We feel that enrichment and community should continue at every opportunity and our commitment to our students extends beyond the instructional day.  Each term, programs are scheduled based on the interests of our students and we always introduce new themes to encourage ongoing growth and discovery.

Clubs are run by Kendalwood staff, often based on their own individual interests and talents. For instance, Mr. Linderman offers Chess and Choir clubs while Mrs. Tal shares her love of science in a variety of STEM inspired clubs. Language based session are offered regularly, including Spanish, German and Sign Language.

Chess clubThe after school programs and activities at Kendalwood are designed to be fun and enjoyable, and to serve our thriving Montessori community. From drama to Lego, and everything in between, there is a club for every child, providing wonderful opportunities for enrichment, socializing with peers and teachers and cultivating a strong sense of belonging.

For any students looking for a more in-depth opportunity to learn a musical instrument, one on one music lessons can be arranged during the after school period with qualified faculty. French tutoring is also available for those focused on developing strong second language. More information and pricing for music and language tutoring can be obtained at the office.

Our after school program is something we are so proud to offer at Kendalwood Montessori. We feel that our inclusive approach is unique, contributing to the Kendalwood Difference. We strive to provide a diverse program to develop the whole child through expanded cultural, artistic and skill set horizons.

Is there a club you would like to see added to our roster? Please let us know!